A time to write
The holidays are a good time to reflect. These days I am deeply thankful for my health, my family, my work and the interesting times we live in. I know it won’t always be “up and to the right” so I try very hard to count every day of joy.
One of the greatest joys of the past few years have been getting an opportunity to mentor so many great people. I have a large group of up and comers at Credit Karma, but being in the Silicon Valley for 25 years gives me a wealth of great people to help and to learn from. Stanford and Google may be two of the biggest centers of gravity in modern times, and I’m lucky to have visited both, as well as a few tech startups to pull from.
I have really enjoyed giving back and seeing so many people grow. But I realize I am struggling to scale. I love meeting with people, but I can’t find the time to meet often enough. And I find myself repeating some of the same thoughts, even though I am definitely not senile (yet).
So as this is the season for New Year’s resolutions, I’m going to try my hand at blogging. Sharing what I’ve learned and what people tell me is helping them. It doesn’t come without a bit of anxiety. I like keeping things on the down low. I haven’t publicly blogged, tweeted, or posted on social. I like being a man of mystery. But doing scary things is how we learn, right?
My goal is to create (hopefully) short postings that speak to what I’ve learned about managing people, career development, building teams, coping with hypergrowth, and staying entrepreneurial at scale. Fun topics for me and perhaps with some help, I can learn from others whom I’ve yet to meet.
Looking forward to reading your comments and getting your suggestions.